Meet Aint Afraid


Professional Musicians, Songwriters, & Change Makers

“We were homeless right out the womb.”

Inah and Yahzi’s mom was pregnant with them when she escaped a difficult family situation. The three of them slept in cars, as well as a car wash owned by their grandfather, before finally receiving shelter assistance when they turned two.

“We didn’t even know we were poor until we were older because of how much our mother cultivated love… I just thought we were living life as life is.”

While Inah and Yahzi grew up in shelters and transitional housing, they didn’t realize their financial circumstances until children at school began to make negative comments about their clothes. However, they found comfort through the support of their mother, the arts, and the compassion of strangers.

“When people take time to show compassion… it makes you feel seen. That your story is just as important.”

Inah & Yahzi are professional musicians, songwriters, and change makers who perform as Aint Afraid. They currently have two albums you can stream here. They also love encouraging others to get involved with their communities and local organizations in whatever capacity. One of their favorite organizations is Ozone House in Michigan, which is creating safe spaces for young people.


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